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With chocolate, peanut butter and bananas, the delicious Chunky Monkey Bites is a hit for children and is perfect for underprocessed snacks or even after-school snacks.

Sometimes simple is the best. That's where the bite of this Chunky Monkey is really amazing. My kids love this delightful snack with bananas, peanut butter, and chocolate. And who doesn't?

This little Chunky Monkey bite is delicious! And that helps them be easy to make. The most complicated (and not difficult at all) part is dipping a banana bite into the chocolate!

The only downside? Chunky Monkey Bites disappear quickly! But that's okay because they don't save for a long time.

How to Make a Chunky Monkey Bite:

  • Your little helper can help you cut bananas into pieces.
  • Place the banana on a paper-lined baking sheet. You will need two bananas for each "Chunky Monkey bite" - this is the right time to encourage counting with two or even doubling with your children!
  • Apply a little peanut butter to each slice of banana. To make it easier, spoon some peanut butter into a sandwich and cut a little from the corner. And now (you or your helper) just squeeze the peanut butter. It's much faster, simpler, and less cluttered than using a knife.
  • Cover each top of the peanut butter with banana slices, making a small "sandwich". Even little helpers will be happy to help with this part!
  • Now you can stop here and enjoy peanut butter and simple banana snacks. Or tell your kids that you are making a "Chunky Monkey Bite" and wait a little longer!
  • This next step is important: freeze the banana sandwich for at least 30 minutes, preferably one hour. This will allow the chocolate to stick to the banana and glide as would happen if your banana is room temperature.
  • When the banana is almost ready to use, melt chocolate with just a little coconut oil, about 1 teaspoon. This aims to help thin the chocolate a little so that chocolate will be easier to use.
  • When your bananas are ready, use a fork to dip each part into the chocolate. You may have to dye chocolate, though your little helper will be happy to help you lick the chocolate bowl when you're done!
  • Return to the sheet of parchment paper.
  • Freeze again for about an hour until the bananas harden.
  • You have to keep your Chunky Monkey Bites cold or the banana will try separate from the chocolate, making it a bit messy. They will still taste good, but they won't look good.


  • 2 bananas
  • 1/3 cup peanut butter
  • 1 pkg (10-12 ounces) chocolate chips
  • 1 teaspoon coconut oil


  1. Slice the banana into medium-sized pieces and place it on a paper tray covered with paper.
  2. Add a little peanut butter to each other banana slice, then sandwich together.
  3. Freeze for at least 30 minutes.
  4. Meanwhile, melt chocolate flakes with coconut oil.
  5. When the bananas are cold, dip each banana in the chocolate.
  6. Return to the parchment paper and chill again until the bite is solid.
  7. Store in the refrigerator.
This recipe is inspired by livingwellmom


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