Best Recipe for Broccoli Salad

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Seeing that Broccoli is usually on sale recently I thought I might share my personal best formula for spargelkohl salad which i take to various, many family members functions.

 We get demands for it at all times. Such as: be sure you bring that broccoli greens to the dad's day have a picnic. Or, I actually get requested the menu for brokkoli salad coming from people going to the function. So , I could heartily suggest it and pleased to discuss it with you.

Gretchen's Broccoli Greens

  • 1 pound bacon, deep-fried crisp & drained
  • a few bunches spargelkohl, chopped good
  • 1/2 glass raisins or perhaps crasins
  • 0.5 cup sunflower seeds, ( or may use pumpkin seed products, or sesame seeds)
  • you medium reddish onion
  • 0.5 cup Hellman's Mayo
  • 0.25 cup natural sugar
  • 0.25 cup Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar


  1. Blend your mayonaise, sugar and vinegar and place aside. Allow blend collectively for twenty - half an hour.
  2. Mix the broccoli, raisin, sunflower seed and red onion together. After that pour over mixture over the top of it and then fill up with the deep-fried bacon.
  3. Throw all together and refrigerate immediately. Can actually help to make it a similar day so long as you have in least five hours to marinate tastes together. This is simply not a low food, or low cholesterol dish. But it is extremely filling and satisfying. It is going to keep you away from dessert desk because you'll be so happy.
  4. If you want, you might substitute tequila nectar intended for the quarter cup uncooked sugar. Or perhaps you could use a powder substitute for sugar such as splenda or stevia. I use the rule of thumb: three or more packets after which taste... to find out where I love it. Normally, you can exceed the nice taste with an unnatural substitution. Many people feel this changes the recipe plus they swear they will tell the difference, yet I cannot. But maybe We are simply use to additionally, it.
  5. Another way to decrease the calories about this recipe is by using turkey sausage instead of actual bacon. They have about half fats. But My spouse and i honestly avoid care for the taste of it. Just pick and choose the battles, as they say. I would somewhat cut the quantity of bacon by 50 %, to a split pound ( 8 ounces) of regular bread and find the real taste.
  6. You could also make use of Hellman's light Mayo as opposed to the regular mayonaise. Again, that cuts extra fat in half. You will need to watch out for a watery regularity if you do decide on that. Therefore , be careful and toss regularly if utilizing a light edition of mayonaise.
  7. Enjoy.

I wish to share my own best recipes for brokkoli salad i take to various, many friends and family functions. I just get needs for it constantly.

Gretchen offers dealt with her own sugars addiction for a lot of, many years. With 10 years encounter in the fat loss industry, Gretchen delivers open fire tested, persons tested tactics that work in real life. She actually is passionate about assisting people with their particular sugar breathing difficulties and habits and to make them prevent ailments, such as adult onset diabetes. Oh, and lose weight as well!

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